The episode begins with Virat bringing Jahan and Bhavani to a botique shop to get a saree for Bhavani. The sales person shows the sarees to Bhavani. BHavani asks the sales person for the price of the saree. The salesman at first says it’s Rs 50000 however he later states it is Rs 500 at Virat’s signal. Bhavani says to Virat that she can see the see price and shows to Jahan that this saree is Rs 50000. Bhavani states to Virat that she can not manage such a costly saree. Virat asks Bhavani to quitted bothering with the rate of the saree. Virat asks Jahan to encourage Bhavani. Jahan says she will talk with Bhavani. Virat concurs and leaves from there.
Bhavani states to Jahan that she will certainly deny such a costly saree. Jahan asks Bhavani to attempt the saree and later on tell Virat that she didn’t such as the saree. Bhavani agrees and goes to attempt the saree. Jahan picks two dresses for herself. Virat asks Jahan to take these gowns if she likes them and leaves from there.
Virat later asks Norman where is Priyanka. Norman states Priyanka is purchasing jewelry with her friend. Virat later on asks Norman where can he locate hair devices. Norman reveals the directions to Virat. Virat many thanks Norman adn leaves from there.
Virat later satisfies Priyanka in the store and speak with her. Priyanka later on mosts likely to pay for the jewelry.
In the Ahuja home cooking area, Amruta is shown to be preparing food with Nimrit. Amruta asks Nimrit where is Virat. Nimrit states he may be in a meeting. Dildar claims Virat terminated 3 conferences and he has actually gone off somewhere. Dildar sees the message that Virat used Rs 15 lakhs from his account. Nimrit seeing it claims Virat might be buying Amruta. Dildar agrees. Amruta gets upset as he is making use of a lot cash and she mosts likely to the botique to teach him a lesson as he is doing so much pricey searching for her.
Virat quits Bhavani and Amruta from leaving and asks where are they going. Bhavani claims to Virat that she put on the saree but she really did not like it. Virat claims to Bhavani and Jahan that he currently spent for the dresses they chose so they need to take it. Amruta pertains to the botique.
Amruta pertains to Bhavani and Jahan and inquires what are they doing below. Priyanka involves Virat and says currently this boutique is suddenly appearing liuke a reduced market. Priyanka calls Norman and asks Norman if he will enable anybody to find right into their boutique and asks them to be careful of these people pointing to Jahan adn Chiknesh household. Norman claimes they can not charge any person of theft without proof andd claims there is CCTV footage to record the thieves. Virat also asks Norman to be mindful of thieves. Priyanka thinks Virat is sustaining her and rejoices. Priyanka leaves from there.
The safety quits Priyanka as the protection listen to the siren ringing when she goes by the door. The protection claims they have to check her bag. Virat states to Norman taht they have caught the burglar. Priyanka claims she is not a thief. Virat talk about it. Virat opens up Priyanka’s handbag and transforms it around and they see a hair device befalling of the purse. Norman will call the cops. Virat quits Norman and claims they iwll settle this matter without cops. Virat asks Priyanka to apologise to Jahan. Priyanka asks Virat why is that. VIrat advises Priyanka has actually done the exact same thing with Jahan in the event before adn talk about it. Amruta taunts Priyanka. Priyanka sees Norman will call the polices if she doesn’t apologise so she consents to apologise to Jahan.